Creating and Editing Recurring Gifts

This is a brief guide explaining how to set up and modify recurring gifts in your giving platform. If you have any questions after reading this article, please send us a message through the chat feature below!


To Create, Edit, or Cancel a Recurring gift, you'll need to access your ministry's giving page. You can find that giving page by texting your ministry's text giving number, or through your ministry's main giving link (likely on their website). Once on the giving form, you'll select the recurring tab and initiate your gift.



Setting Up a Recurring Gift

1. Text GIVE to your ministry's Giving Number. Click the provided link. This will automatically take you to your ministry's giving form without having to log in (pretty cool, right?!)


If your ministry does not utilize Text Giving, simply locate your ministry's giving form (likely on that ministry's website).


2. Select the Recurring tab.

3. Choose the Fund you'd like to give to and enter the Amount.

4. Select your frequency, how many gifts, start date, and payment method.

5. You're done 👍🏼

You'll then see an immediate confirmation that your recurring schedule has been created! 🎊 



Managing a Recurring Gift

1. Text EDIT to your ministry's Giving Number.


2. Click the provided link, which takes you directly into your personal giving account.


3. From within your giver's account settings, you may edit your recurring gift amounts, frequency, fund, and preferred payment method.


If your organization does not utilize Text Giving, you can make the same edits and updates to your giver account but logging in through your ministry's giving link (whatever link you use to give normally)!


On the giving form, you'll notice a Sign In tab. Simply log in using your email address or phone number, and make any necessary changes to your account or recurring gifts. If you do not already have a giving account, you'll be able to create one from that Sign In tab as well.


Canceling a Recurring Gift

  1. Log into your Giver Account

  2. Click the Recurring tab

  3. Click the trashcan icon to Stop Payment.


If you are having trouble logging into your account or locating your Recurring gift, please contact your church or ministry organization directly for further assistance.



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