Form Fields Overview

After creating a form and adjusting your Form Properties, it’s time to build out the data-collection Form Fields. Whether you're creating an Event Registration form or a simple Contact form, the Form Fields all operate in a similar manner.


Locate Form Fields:

  • Navigate to your manager dashboard, click on the Forms tab in the menu on the left, and select from your list of created forms. Your Form Editor page will appear. *If you just created a new form, you should already be on the Form Editor page!  

  • View all Form Field options in the menu on the right side of your screen.


Options for all Field Types

There are five categories of Form Fields:

  1. Basic Fields: standard field types that are present on most forms

  2. Field Sets: collect a series of data points for multiple registrants within one form by allowing the registrant to duplicate the entire set of fields

  3. Static Content: used for aesthetic enhancement and for important information/descriptions

  4. Contact Info Fields: collect basic common contact information

  5. Payment Fields: display cost and accept a payment amount


Once you've decided on the appropriate fields to collect your data, you can begin to click the fields to add them in the order you need, or drag and drop them to the correct spot. As soon as you click and release a field, the Field Property box will appear. You'll notice two tabs at the top of most Field Property boxes.



General Info: Here you can name your field set and adjust general settings. The Validation option is also available here, which ensures form submitters complete required fields before proceeding.

Conditions: Set conditions to show or hide fields based on previous responses. For example, the "Select a size" field will only appear if the registrant selects "Yes" for "Would you like to purchase a t-shirt?" You can add multiple conditions as needed.


If you need to make adjustments on an existing field's properties, click the gear symbol to the far right hand corner of that specific field.



Email Placeholders

Almost all fields translate to a placeholder in your Form Email Notifications pulling responses right into those emails. For example, using the placeholder for a payment field within an email notification would create a receipt or proof of purchase to the email recipient. Placeholders will be automatically created and accessible in Form Properties.


Form Fields are powerful, and deciding which ones to use is important. Click on the field categories below to find out more!


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