The Submission tab should be considered for every type of form, but is especially important for Event Registration type forms.

Submit Button Text
For most forms, the button at the end of the form will simply say "Submit". You can change that button to say "Register" or "Give!" or whatever you'd like here.
Maximum Number of Submissions
If you'd like to limit the number of forms submitted, you can enter that number here. Note: there are a few ways to allow registrants to register more than one person per form.
Submission Open and Close Dates
If you are only accepting registrations for a limited time, you can set Open and Close dates for registration submissions. Once you link the form to your website, social media or share it via email, the link will show as "no longer available" once the Closed Date has lapsed.
Maximum Number of Registrants
The Maximum Number of Registrants should reflect your maximum capacity for an event, camp, or trip. Note: using the Person Field Set on your form will activate this option within the Submission tab.
Preferred Submission Message
After a form is successfully submitted, a message will pop up to confirm the submission. You can adjust that message here.
Redirect URL
After a form is submitted, you'll have the option to redirect your donor or registrant to a website of your choice. Simply enter the URL, and after seeing the Submission message for five seconds, they will be redirected.
If you are considering having registrants register or give on a shared device, consider checking the Logout option. This will log donors out of their Member Portals as soon as their form is submitted so the next giver or registrant can log in to their own portal. This option would disconnect the redirect. Note: forms do not have to require an individual to Sign In to their account to register or give. You can "Enable Member Portal" in the Payment tab.