Custom Branded Mobile App

Brand your Mobile App for your organization!

A Custom-Branded Mobile App includes the same features and appears as your ministry’s own app in the App Store (iOS) and Play Store (Android)—with your ministry's name and branding.


What’s the difference?

A Custom-Branded Mobile App includes the same powerful features and modules as a non-branded Mobile App. However, in the App Stores, your Mobile App will have its own unique page displaying your unique...

  • Logo
  • Organization Name
  • Description
  • Screenshots that show sermon graphics, event graphics, etc. (ex: bottom left)

Additionally, users will see your custom logo on their smartphone screen and a 'quick-fade' custom splash page with your logo when first opening the app (below right).



What is included in the setup process?

One of our team members will be assigned to your account to help you work through the details, including obtaining the required accounts and getting your Custom Branded App in the app stores.

You should plan for the overall process to take 4-6 weeks since the Apple store process can be complex, especially if your church does not yet have an Apple Developer Account or a D-U-N-S number.

Churches/ministries interested in a Custom Branded App must provide images and graphics of the given specifications and a ministry contact to work through the legal agreements required for an Apple developer account.


I already have the mobile app and would like to upgrade it. Now what?

Once your Custom Branded app is ready, you will need to have your community download the new App.

Important Note: Your 'non-branded' app will continue to work and update in real-time; it will not 'go down,' nor will you need to maintain multiple versions. The non-branded app will simply still display the standard non-branded logo and name. 


Can I replace a different app with a Custom Branded App?

Yes, provided you own and have management rights to an app in the stores (including the dev keystore).

Once your new app is live, the user experience will be similar to any app update. After the app is updated, your custom-branded mobile app will dynamically replace your previous app.

Interested? Connect with our team to learn more about a Custom Branded App upgrade.



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