Manager Permissions

Control manager access to your organization's giving data and account settings.

An essential component to successfully implementing your giving platform is by getting your teammates onboard! Make sure you’ve recruited people to help update your church’s website, prepare for launch, announce these new giving tools to your congregation, and to handle reporting. 


One way to involve your teammates is by adding them as managers to your giving platform. Read more: Adding Managers.


Not every manager should have access to all of your manager dashboard. That’s why we created permissions, which limit manager access to specific aspects of your account. 


How to Change Manager Permissions

  1. Navigate to your manager dashboard, click on the Gear ⚙️ Icon and choose the Managers card.

  2. Locate the manager whose permissions need to be edited. Click on the Action button in their row, then choose Update from the dropdown menu. This pulls up the Update Manager window. *If you’re wondering how to adjust permissions for a new manager, read more in Adding Managers.

  3. Adjust their permissions. To grant access to a permission, check the associated box. ☑️ To deny access to a permission, uncheck the associated box.
    **See general settings and form specific settings below**

  4. Click Save when you’re done!

General Settings
Set overall permissions for each Manager. Each check box grants access to a part of the Manager Portal. For example, if you have a Manager so needs to assist with Form creation, but should not be able to view donor gifts or information, you would check the "Forms" box, but not "Donors" or "Reports".


Form Specific Permissions
For even further permission customization, you can set permissions based on Form categories and actions per form. For example, you have a Manager who needs to assist you in building Event Registration forms, and needs access to View Responses, but shouldn't be able to see Responses to Giving forms. You'll have total control.




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