Updating Organization Bank Account Information

How to Update Your Organization Bank Account Information

Navigate to your manager portal and click the Gear ⚙️ Icon on the top right corner of your to access primary account Settings. A series of cards will be visible with unique controls for your account. Select the Settings card. In the lower-left corner, find the Account Services options to update your legal name, and address, add or change your depository bank, or connect with our team if you need to close your account.


Select Change my bank account. A pop-up form will appear. You'll complete the form right there within the account and submit it electronically.



*Required Supporting Documentation: We cannot change your bank account information without a valid supporting document. Submit one of the options below.

  • Voided Check: A pre-printed, voided check with your organization’s name and address.

  • Bank Letter: A letter provided by your bank with your organization’s name, routing number, and account number. If you don’t have a voided check, request a bank letter from your bank.

After receiving all the required information, we can process your request. Your new bank account information will be active within 3-5 business days.


Note: For your privacy and security, we will never ask you to send bank account or card information through email or our chat feature, unless we've specifically discussed it with you on the phone. If someone is asking you to send that information, please send us a separate email to verify the request before sending any information.

There are instances when this process can take longer if additional review is needed. You may receive a call from one of our support team members to validate your bank account change request. 


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