Launch Preparation Checklist

After your church registers for your giving platform, it’s time to prepare for your live, in-service launch! As stated in the Setup Checklist, we recommend launching within one month of signing up.


How to prepare for a successful launch

📹 Check out these launch example videos.


👥  Recruit your launch team and identify your...

  • Pastoral Contact: Who will conduct the live launch? Ask your pastor (it’s important that leadership gets behind this new way to give!) to share about your new giving system from the stage during Sunday services.

  • Media / Communications Contact: Who will update your website, communication materials, and Sunday slide deck? 

💬  Collaborate with staff and key volunteers.

  • Have your leadership test the giving experience. 

  • Ask for their feedback on how to make your launch a huge success.

  • Make sure whoever is leading the live launch is comfortable and excited about the giving experience.

📆  Determine your Launch Date! 

  • Keep the momentum going–make it a goal to launch within your first month with us!

  • Remember what season you are in as a church (Summer, Holidays, Back-to-School) and think strategically when it would be best to launch.

🎥  Take advantage of your customized Engagement Materials.

  • Display your custom slide during your time of giving.

  • Play your custom video during your live launch.

  • Add those resources to your website and communication materials.

💻  Update website. 

  • Revamp your church's website to inspire generosity by adding your new online giving link and easy instructions for text giving! 

📝  Update communication platforms.

❗ Prepare your givers for launch

  • Build excitement and familiarity during the couple weeks leading up to your live launch! Send an email announcement about the upcoming improvements to their giving experience.

🚀  Conduct your live launch & unleash generosity!


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