(1) Mobile Apps Simplify User Experience
On a Smartphone, apps simplify tasks far more than your website. When tasks are more straightforward, your community is more likely to engage.
Let's use online giving as an example. Compare the steps required to give via a website vs. our mobile App.
Web Browser Mobile Giving
- Open your Smartphone Browser
- Type in your ministry domain name
- Navigate to your giving page
- Spend 20 seconds logging in. (40 seconds if you're like me and mistype your password)
- Donate
Mobile App Giving (screenshot below)
- Open your Mobile App.
- Tap Give
- Donate
Final tally: 5 steps to 3. (6 to 3 if you consider mistyping your login credentials ;)
Using a mobile app skips the two steps that tend to be most error-prone: typing the website domain name and login credentials on a tiny mobile keypad. When you avoid all that, it's just plain simpler.
Note: When a ministry fully supports mobile app giving, total donations increase. That’s undisputed.
Similarly, ministry engagement tends to rise when mobile app giving is available, especially when ministries promote opportunities relevant to their audience.
Why? See below.
(2) Mobile Apps Focus on What Your Audience Uses Most
88% of the time spent on mobile devices was within an app.
Why is that true (and important)?
A good app displays the things your audience uses regularly. And if you're like most ministries, your members visit your site for just a few key things. Based on a *2-year data study of church app usage, here's a list of the top 5 features in order of use.
- Directory
- Check-In
- Giving
- Sermons
- Events/Calendar
Summary: When the features your audience uses most are in a singular, easy-to-use location, they are much more likely to engage with your ministry and each other!
*MyChurch App 2-Year Usage Study (Elexio)
(3) Mobile Apps Engage your Community on the Devices They Use Most
In 2023, did you know...
- 90% of US Adults own a smartphone (Pew Research).
- 76% of those 65+ regularly use smartphones. Your Grandma is mobile-savvy ;) (Pew Research).
- Americans average 4 hours and 36 minutes on their mobile devices daily. That's well over 24 hours every week! (Statistica).
- Think Millenials & GenZ are responsible? Think again. Baby Boomers chalk up 3 hours and 31 minutes daily! (Harmony Healthcare IT)
Takeaway: If you're a typical ministry in the US, well over four out of every five adults you engage with regularly have a smartphone quickly in reach. And they're checking it—a LOT.
The Big Picture
Regardless of our personal feelings about mobile, if we are interested in being fishers of men and building disciples, it's essential that we cast our nets where the fish are biting.
Mobile has been and will continue to be, one of the biggest ponds.
Using an App will ensure your voice is heard, AND your audience can engage the moment they feel inspired.