Series Overview

A Group Series manages a set of Groups within the Amplify Websites People Module, located under People > Groups > Series

You can use Group Series generally to manage an arrangement of Groups in a custom order for output via a Ministry Content Widget on a WordPress site or Element on a Cloud Site.

Add a Series

  1. Within the Amplify Websites dashboard, navigate to People > Groups and select the Series tab.
  2. On the Series list screen, select the Add a New Series button to create a new series. 
  3. Once the series is available in the list, you can select the series to edit the name or order associated with the series.
  4. The groups within the series will be listed at the bottom of the page, and you can drag/drop to re-order the list.

Manage Groups within a Series

To add a group to a Series, navigate to People > Groups.

  • Select the Group you would like to add to the Series.
  • Click on the Edit Group tab, which is where you can edit the details of your Group.
  • Click on the Series input field and select the desired Series from the list.
  • Click Update Group.

Add/Remove a Series for a Group

If you are using multiple groups for your Staff Layout widget, you can add/remove the groups assigned to the series.

To order the Groups within a Series, navigate to People > Groups.

  1. Check the box for the group.
  2. Click the Edit Selected Groups button.
  3. Select to add or remove a series.
  4. Click Submit.

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Common Uses

Staff Group Series

A 'Staff' Series is commonly used with an Amplify Website Staff Layout widget for WordPress sites. This allows all Groups added to the Staff Group Series to be displayed on a staff page. A separate Staff Layout widget could be used for a church staff page, and another for a preschool staff page, or a second campus staff page. 

Even if you only have one organization, the Staff Group Series allows members outside the series to be kept off your staff page (ie, your website administrator may not need to be listed on the staff page).


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