WordPress Media

Here are some guidelines for media specifications. This is a listing of sizes recommended from WordPress and they may not all apply to your needs. You may need to update based on your needs – for example: your logo may need to be larger depending on your design preferences):

Max File Size

Media files need to be 100 MB max to be hosted on your WordPress site. Your larger videos can easily be embedded from YouTube, Vimeo (via the Video widget), or from Amplify (via the Sermon or Article widgets).

Responsive Design

Your Amplify Website WordPress theme is responsive, meaning that the content will shift to fit any screen resolution (27" desktop monitor, laptop, tablet, or mobile device). Your images will often be cropped to fit the changing space.

Image Guidelines

  1. Blog post image size (1200 x 630 pixels)
  2. Header image size (banner size 1048 x 250 pixels)
  3. Featured image size (landscape 1200 x 900 pixels)
  4. 1920×1080 – This is the largest image size we would recommend. This size will often work best for most themes and social media sites, but keep in mind that some areas of the image may get cropped.
  5. 1200×630 – This size will work best for sharing to Facebook.
  6. 1024×512 – This size should be considered if you plan to primarily share to Twitter.
  7. Featured image size (portrait 900 x 1200 pixels)
  8. WordPress background image size (1920 x 1080 pixels)
  9. Logo image size (200 x 100 pixels)
  10. Thumbnail image size (150 x 150 pixels)


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