Security level 3 Planners can send a message to all Helpers and Planners, or selection thereof. To find the page that allows you to do this, hover over the Messages navigation link, then select the "Send Message" menu option.
Security level 3 Planners can send a message to all Helpers and Planners, or selection thereof. To find the page that allows you to do this, hover over the Messages navigation link, then select the "Send Message" menu option.
<%= block.description %>
<% } %>empty
<% } %> <% var labels = "a_label".split(',').map(function(label) { return label.trim(); }).filter(function(label) { return label; }); %> <% var articlesWithLabels = articles.filter(function(article) { return Util.intersection(article['label_names'], labels).length; }) %> <% if (articlesWithLabels.length) { %>