SongSelect™ Integration

If your church has a CCLI SongSelect account, you can integrate it with your Service Planning account either for specific individuals, or at the church level.  Integration with individual accounts has been around since version 4 of WP.  Integration at the church level was added with version 5.4.0, and makes SongSelect access available to all planners with security level "Worship Editor" (aka level "2") at your church.

The advantage to integrating at the church level is that it's more convenient for you and your worship editors to set up.  The drawback is that you may not want all planners of "worship editor" security level to have access to the SongSelect resources, or you may want to track with greater granularity how each of your worship editors are using SongSelect.  If each worship editor is integrated individually with their own SongSelect login, resource utilization information is accessible from within the SongSelect site.

To set-up the SongSelect integration, click on the Wheel Icon in the upper right and then Integrations from the dropdown. You will see a screen that looks like this:

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 2.28.23 PM.png

Click the "Integrate" button and you will be directed to the CCLI site to login with your credentials. Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 2.28.50 PM.png

Once you've added in your credentials and clicked "Sign In." The screen will refresh, and you will see this on the Service Planning side:

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 2.48.20 PM.png

If you ever need to "Unintegrate" or Change your account- you can do so from this screen in future. And Planners can also login in with an individual account if they choose to in future.


To use the integration in your Event Flows, you will navigate to the Event Flow page for any service and then click into the right panel. It defaults to the "Libraries" tab and from there you will see a cloud ion with an arrow. Once you click on that you can begin typing in a song name and then click "Search in SongSelect" and it will bring up a number of song options to use in your Event Flow.

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 3.05.07 PM.png



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