General details about your songbooks can be shared to anyone on the Internet by browsing to the Library> Song Files area. From there you will click the down arrow next to "Songbooks/ Advanced Filters" and you will see Songbooks listed there.
To enable public sharing, you will click on the "edit" (pencil) icon next to the song book, and you will a small checkbox next to "Only visible within Planning." By checking the box, you will be able to share publicly with a generated link.
When the box is checked, a short and unique website address is created that links to a publicly accessible view of the songbook, with limited details about each song. To see this view, click on the new link that is created (it will open a new browser window). Remember, this shared page can be accessed by anyone on the Internet, without having to log in to Service Planning. But we leave the actual publicizing of the web address up to you.
To help you tell others about the public songbook page, we provide links to several popular social media sites on the page where sharing is enabled. You have to have an account to share with these links.
At any point, you can "unshare" the songbook by returning to the Songbook Properties window and unchecking the box.