Add a Small Group

Within your Amplify Website dashboard, navigate to Events > Small Groups and click the "Add a New Small Group" button.

Small Group Details

When creating a group, the following fields are available:

  • Name - the name of the small group as it will appear on your website (Recommended)
  • Description - write a few sentences describing what the group is all about (Recommended)
  • Keywords - keywords help people find the group when searching on your website. Use words that help describe the group. For example, a small group that meets to go hiking could have keywords like outdoors, active, exercise, hiking. (Recommended)
  • Childcare Provided - Select this option if there will be childcare provided at the group.
  • Resource Link - Use this to attach a link to another page that provides supporting information for the group.
  • Categories - Help members narrow down their options by placing the group in one or more category. The categories are used to filter groups. (Recommended)
  • Image: Use an image to display with the group details (Recommended)
  • Location - Help members find the group by including a location. Select the group location from the dropdown menu or use the + to add a new location. (Recommended)
    • All locations are managed under Settings > Locations
  • Day of the week - Let members know what day of the week the group meets. (Recommended)
  • Start and End Time - Be sure to let members know what time the group meets. (Recommended)
  • Primary Leader - Select the leader of the group that you would like to appear with the group details. This field will display a dropdown of the members module. The leader’s name will link to their email address so potential members can contact them with any questions. (Recommended)
  • Add Other Leaders - Add any other leaders here. Other leaders do not appear on the website.
  • Add Members - Add any members that are in the group here. Group members do not appear on the website, but within the CMS you will be able to view rosters of each group. You do not need to add your leaders to the members list, as they are already listed on the roster as leaders. 

Save and Publish

On the Publish tab, you can choose how you'd like to publish the group.

All small groups will be assigned to the default "Site Group", and you can add another group if applicable (ie: for a specific campus, ministry, etc.).

Schedule a publish status change - this option allows you to keep a group as Draft and schedule the date/time when the group should be published, and vice versa.

When saving the group, you can either keep a group as draft, publish as featured or publish.


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