Add a New Sermon

To create a new sermon, go to Content > Sermons in your Amplify Websites dashboard and click the "Add a New Sermon" button

Add Sermon Details

Under the Detail tab, you will add the basic info for your sermon: 

  • Title: This appears as the Title of the Sermon on the different Sermon pages and within the Podcast feed.
  • Category: Categories differentiate kinds of topics. Examples might be prayer, bible, humility, pride, love, etc. Select the green (+) icon to add the Sermon to an additional Category.
  • Series: The system will create a sortable grouping for the Series. Select the green (+) icon to add the Sermon to an additional Series.
  • Passage: The King James Version displays by default, but you can adjust the translation using the dropdown option.
  • Date: Defaults to the previous Sunday. Select the Calendar icon to use the Calendar to select the date for your sermon.
  • Preacher: Select from a drop-down list of Preachers or add a person by selecting the "Create a New Preacher" dropdown.

Note: Under the Preacher tab, you can link a Preacher with a Member account (under the People module). 

Add Sermon Content

Under the Content tab is where you can add the keywords and description:

  • Summary: This is the Podcasting & RSS feed description visible within Apple Podcast or other Podcast/RSS Reader. The summary can also be used to show a preview of content with your Sermon Widget.
  • Keywords: Also known as 'tags'. Separate Keywords by commas and include no more than 10 words and/or phrases that someone might use to search for your content. 
  • Content: For Sermons, the Content will be displayed with your Sermon Details and within the sites of the Cloud Network. The more searchable content you have, the better you will do within Google and other Search Engines. 

Note: This content is displayed within the Podcast feed and with the Sermon Detail widget. 

Add Interactive, Fill in the Blank, Notes *

  • Using the note editor you can copy/paste or write out your weekly fill in the blank notes.
  • When you have a word or phrase that you want the visitor to fill in, you will click the Insert/Edit Answer button and type the answer into the modal that appears.
  • If you want to allow the visitor to add some of their own notes, you can click the Insert Free Form Note. You can edit the placeholder text by selecting it in the notes editor and typing a new phrase.
  • When your notes are finished, click the Save button.

Add Media

Under the Media tab is where you can add any of the files for your sermon: audio, video, image, and notes.

If you have previously loaded your media into the Media Manager, you may select your type of media (notes, audio, image, video) from the corresponding drop-down list.

Each time you upload a new file within the Sermon Manager, it will appear within the Drop Down List. Select the appropriate file and click Submit Selections to add files one by one to your Sermon Feed.

Upload a new File

If your file is not already uploaded to the Media Library, you can upload new files within the Sermon Media tab:

  • Name: This is the name of the file within the system only and is now viewable to the public.
  • Description: This is information that is viewable within the system only, to help you identify what the media is for future reference.
  • Keywords: No more than 10 words and/or phrases separated by commas. This will provide a way for Google and other Search Engines to see the media as searchable data.
  • File: Click "Browse..." to search your computer for the media file. You may also enter the URL of a media file that you have permission to use.

Note: To use an embedded video (ie: Vimeo/YouTube), select the Embed Code tab.

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Publish your Sermon

The final step is to publish your sermon. 

All sermons will be assigned to the default "Site Group", and you can add another group if applicable (ie: for a specific campus, ministry, etc.).

Schedule a publish status change - this option allows you to keep a sermon as Draft and schedule the date/time when the sermon should be published, and vice versa.

Publish Status - When saving the sermon, you can save as draft, publish as featured or publish.


* To use the Interactive Note functionality your sermon layout must implement this feature. If your layout does not include the Interactive Note tags, the option will not appear in the CMS to add them. 


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