Add Your Sermons

Each Amplify Website Theme comes with a Sermon Layout, a Detail page, and various Widgets or Elements to highlight Sermons across the site. When you first create a new website in Amplify, you'll see there is demo content already added to your Sermon page.

Follow these steps to edit, delete, or add to the example sermons.

  1. In Amplify Websites, go to Content > Sermons > Add a New Sermon
  2. Add 6-12 months of sermons for your church.

Sermons can include 1 audio, 1 video, 1 image, 1 download, key passages, and content. Each sermon can be assigned a sermon series, category or speaker to help people filter to find particular sermons.

The latest or featured sermon will most likely be displayed on the homepage in a widget that automatically updates when a new sermon is added.

Ready to Get Started?
All About Sermons
Add a New Sermon
Cloud Sermon Elements
WordPress Sermon Widgets


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