Impact Reports How To: Standard Text & Image Feature

The impact report feature serves as a valuable tool, empowering you to authentically convey your ministry’s story. By using this tool, you can effectively connect givers with your vision igniting their passion to support your endeavors and assist you in reaching your ministry’s goals.


Step 1: First you will need to create your impact report in your fund.

Step 2: Select the three dots to the right of your fund and Edit Fund.

PB Edit Fund.png

Step 3: Here you will want to select Impact Reports at the top and check to Add impact reports for this fund.

Step 4: Once selected you can create your Impact report. You will add a title and can add more information in the extra information box. This can be as simple as a thank you from the pastor, a highlight of key milestones in your ministry, or your church’s mission, vision, and values. It can also be a description of what you are fundraising for and updates.

Step 5: You can add an image for your report to draw attention to the Impact report.

Step 6: Save your additions for the impact report.

Step 7: Now you will go to your primary giving form to enable the Impact Report by navigating to your Form Manager. Select the three dots to the right of your form and Edit Form.

Step 8: In edit mode for your chosen form, you will select Form Properties at the bottom of the page.

Step 9: Select Impact reports at the top. Click Enable Impact Reports.

Step 10: Once you have selected to Show extra fund information you can click Done then Save and Publish.


Step 11: You can review how this will all look by going back to Form Manager and click on the 3 dots to the right of your form, click Visit Direct Link.



Display your Mission, Vision, and Values:


image (1).png


Display a note from the pastor:



Display key milestones you have reached in your ministry:




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