Website Member Rules

Manage Rule Templates

Amplify Website admins can create a series of rule templates, which they can then use to apply to other users when setting up their rules.

To create a rule template, from the Amplify Website dashboard:

  1. navigate to People > Members
  2. Click the first name link of the member you would like to edit.
  3. Click the second step labeled Permissions
  4. From the Rules section, click the Manage Rule Templates link to slide out the rule template manager. When you have the current set of rules set the way you desire, give the template a name and click save. This template will now be available when you are editing other users.

    member rule templates.png

Editing Rules

Editing rules follow the basic pattern of MODULE / GROUP / PERMISSION:

Module: Select the module the rule should apply to. You can also select “ALL MODULES” to create a rule that applies to all modules across the system.

Group: Select the group this user can create content for. You can also select “ALL GROUPS” to create a rule that allows the user to create content for any group. (More info on Groups)

Permission: Select the sort of permission this user should have. Read means that the user can see that module in the backend and can view content but cannot create or edit content. Write means that the user has full permission to create, edit, publish, and delete content. None can be used to deny permission implicit in another rule.


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