6 Top Flex Content Use Cases

While there are myriad ways to use Custom Pages, here are a few ideas to get you started...

***Example screenshots coming soon!


Keep Everyone in the Know

Your church members will use your app more than anyone else. Create a “Welcome” or “Announcements” landing page highlighting your most crucial ministry goals and updates. Whether connection opportunities, promoting various ministries, or special events, just one key page can ensure your members don’t miss what’s happening.


Make Next Steps Easy

Whatever your process, building disciples is a cornerstone of every ministry. And because 90% of US Adults have their smartphone within easy reach,* make sure your community can take the next step the moment they feel inspired.

A straightforward method might be to list 4-6 simple buttons that link to your integrated forms or pages that house key parts of your growth processes. Here, your members can quickly express interest – plus receive timely feedback from your church.

*Pew Research Center


Recruit Ministry Volunteers

We have more helpers than we can find a use for!” – No ministry ever.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of every ministry, especially for significant seasonal events like Christmas or Summer Children’s Ministry. Add a compelling image, a brief text description, and a simple “Learn More” button—linking to a form or webpage. Then, in your next service, announce the need and ask your community to open your app and respond!


Rally around a Giving Opportunity

We haven’t met a ministry without myriad causes they’d like to invest in. When you launch your next campaign, mention it on your custom landing page (ahem, use case #1), then link to a second custom page dedicated to just that cause. Briefly express your goal, timeframe, desired impact, and how to get involved.




Pro-Tip: Use a Form & Workflow to automatically add participants/donors to a Group in our integrated Church Management Software. Then, send a mass text or email to that Group to share updates, impact, or a simple ‘Thank you!’


Service Time Ministry Moments

Your service times are one of the best opportunities to engage your audience. Create a page or section dedicated to key service-time goals. Those could be your live stream, sermon notes, or even important ‘ministry moments’ – like a digital visitor form or link to submit prayer requests. You could even use that same Custom Page to whet your members’ appetite for next week’s sermon or other essential items in future services!


Summary: One Simple Place for Your Members & Ministry

With the ability to highlight almost anything important to your ministry, Custom Pages allows your Mobile App to become a simple, single connection point for your community, regardless of what software you use (though we love our integrated solutions ;)

  • Fully customize your menu to meet your ministry needs.
  • Add the pages and content focused on what’s most important.
  • Link to other Custom Pages, App Modules, a form, or an external webpage or online resource.
  • Promote!



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