Under Design > Menu, re-order or rename menu items to make it easy for your audience to find what they need quickly!
Sort Menu Items:
To adjust the order of menu items, on the right of each menu item bar, click and drag the multi-dot icon until the menu item is in your desired position. (The topmost menu item will appear first in your Mobile App navigation). All changes are auto-saved.
Pro-Tip: Because the Discover Module can feature a media resource of your choice plus creatively showcase forms beyond simple event registration, many organizations place it first - so it acts as a landing page. It's also commonly renamed "Welcome, Engage, Home" or other relevant titles.
Learn more about how Discover can help you creatively engage your audience!
Rename Menu Items:
Simply click the pencil icon next to a menu item name if you'd like to change the title. (12 characters maximum). Changes are auto-saved.
Note: You can also rename menu items on the module page itself.