Using Pledge Drives to Foster Stewardship

What are Pledge Drives

Many ministries use Pledges or Pledge Drives which are a type of fundraising that encourage people to commit to make donations towards a specific cause and goal over a specific period of time. For example, Building Funds, Missional Relief Campaigns, or Annual Giving are common uses of Pledge Drives.


Once your ministry has identified a Pledge Drive campaign, you can create a digital Pledge Card with some pre-built fields to help collect the the amount a donor would like to pledge, how much they're willing to pay towards that total over a set amount of time, and the frequency of those payments.


Three Reasons your Ministry Should Implement Pledge Drives

💸 Comfortable Consistent Contribution: Although a generous donor would love to give a large donation to your campaign, they likely do not have the financial bandwidth to donate it all at once. When a donor is completing their pledge card, they'll be able to put in their intended total donation. By having the ability to also adjust the timeframe of their giving, and choose the frequency at which they give, they'll see instantly if they're comfortable with the amount they're committing to weekly, monthly or whatever frequency they've chosen. Many times, once a giver sees their total broken up into manageable, consistent amounts, they opt to give a bit more.


🌡 Immediate Impact: When using a Pledge Card, Donors will be able to see the impact of their gift with a goal "thermometer". They will see the overall financial goal of Pledge Drive, and how their gift will move that needle towards the finish line. Humans are visual creatures. Instantly seeing the impact of their contribution is gratifying!


💌 Effortless Engagement: Pledge Drives tap into our scheduled giving feature. When donors choose this option, their committed gift amounts will draft automatically from their bank or card, keeping them engaged with the campaign with no added effort. Our system will also automatically send a "Thank You" email each time a gift is processed. These emails are fully customizable. Consider using this email to also update givers on the overall progress of the campaign, and even add a heartfelt invitation to follow along and see the impact of their generosity.


Ready to create a Pledge Drive?

Learn how here! 


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