Mass Delete Based on Giving

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If you would like to mass delete records from your database, one way to quickly accomplish this is by utilizing giving records.

It’s imperative that your organization keeps up-to-date giving records in order to process this option accurately.


Step 1

Create two temporary groups; one to includes individuals who HAVE contributed, along with their family members; and one to hold individuals identified to be deleted from your Amplify People database.

Click Groups → Add, name each group, and save them.


Step 2

Run a giving report. Click Reports → Giving → Summary. Set your preferred date range and click APPLY.

Click the three-dot menu and choose Add or Remove from Groups to move your results to the group you just created for holding donor records. It’s important to choose All Individuals in Family from the Take Action On drop down. This will ensure that not only the primary contributor is selected, but all other members of the household are chosen as well. Click GO.


Step 3

Once you have your group of contributors created, click Advanced (in the top header bar) to go to Advanced Search.

Locate the field Not in Groups and choose your group of active contributors. Since you’ve created a group of individuals who Have contributed, buy using the Not in Groups field, you’ll see everyone else in your database – those who have NOT contributed. Scroll to see your results.


Step 4

From the three-dot menu, choose the option Add or Remove from Groups. Then, add your results to the group designated To Be Deleted.


It is recommended you take time to double check the individuals in your To Be Deleted group.

Once you are satisfied with the individuals in this group, select all the records, click the three-dot menu, and choose Export to CSV. Choose “All Fields” and click EXPORT. Finally, permanently delete these records from your system by select all the records, click the three-dot menu, and choose Delete People From System.

There is un-do option available at this point, so take caution before deleting records from your system.

For deleted individuals who contributed outside the window of your giving report, those contributions will be marked as anonymous (Reports → Giving → By Anonymous).





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