Triggers for Giving


Giving - Amount

There are several Giving Triggers. If there are no Workflows, start with Building a Workflow. One of the most common is the 'Giving Amount'. Select your desired workflow (General Settings  → Hover then click Workflows), select + Add Trigger, and select Giving -- Amount.

Giving Amount trigger settings

This type of trigger is intended to identify an individual that meets particular criteria involving giving.

First, we can look specifically for individuals that meet certain giving criteria and belong to a certain group or groups. You can also elect to create a trigger for all individuals in your ChMS software. In this case, don’t select any groups, so that anyone in your account that meets your giving trigger criteria will trigger the associated actions.

Next, select your giving criteria. Three parts relate to each other:

  1. Did a person give greater than or less than 
  2. A certain dollar amount
  3. Based on a particular giving category or categories.

Example: Match a person who is a member of your “Church Members” group and who gives greater than $100 to the Missions category over a four-week period. Next, select your associated actions, build them out and click 'Save'.


Giving - New Regular Giver


This workflow is designed to help you and your team identify individuals in your congregation who have become consistent and regular givers. Begin by selecting the Group(s) that you would like to focus on then build out the logic of the workflow that matches your context. 

Example: Match an individual who is a member of 'Regular Attenders' who gave less than 0 times per month for 3 months to Any Fund and who has given at least 3 times per month for the last 3 months. Next, select your associated actions, build them out and click 'Save'.


Giving - No Longer Giving


This workflow is designed to help you and your team identify individuals in your congregation who have fallen off as consistent and regular givers. Begin by selecting the Group(s) that you would like to focus on then build out the logic of the workflow that matches your context.

Example: Match an individual who is a member of 'Regular Attenders' who gave at least 1 time per month for 3 months to Any Fund and who has not given for the last 3 months. Next, select your associated actions, build them out and click 'Save'.


Pledge Creation


Workflows can be triggered off of Pledges within the database. To do so, you can use the Pledge Creation Trigger. This trigger is designed to fire anytime a pledge is created in the system for an individual. It can be filtered with two options:

Self-Created - Pledges that are created by the individual when signed into the ChMS. (This can only be done if the  "Allow People To Create Their Own Pledges For This Campaign" checkbox is checked in the Pledge Settings. Check out our article HERE for more information on this!)

Created by Anyone -  Workflow will trigger off of any created pledges within the ChMS.

Example: Match a person in 'General Attenders' with pledges that are Created by Anyone. As an action, send an admin message letting them know that this individual has now created a pledge.  


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