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The advanced search tool allows for additional filter functionality to perform more complex searches not available in the simple search. With it, you can compare with or against multiple data fields simultaneously to build more sophisticated query lists.
Find All or Empty Fields
To pull all people who meet the selected criteria, (Ex. everyone in the database that has an email address), navigate to the Advanced Search page and, in the desired field, put in an asterisk ' * '. At the bottom of the Advanced Search page, the individuals that have data for the selected field will appear.
To pull information that is empty or blank, (EX. individuals with no email address), navigate to the Advanced Search page and insert into the desired field. At the bottom of the Advanced Search page, the individuals that are missing data for the selected field will appear.
Additional Filtering Tools
The advanced search tool allows the user to incorporate conditional logic into their search.
To create a conditional statement, specify whether you want a value to be Equal to, Greater Than or Equal to, or Less Than another value.
An example would be if you wanted to find all individuals in a range between the age of 18 and 60. You would set the first dropdown under Age to 'Greater Than or Equal To' and in the input box to the right you would type 18. Then set the second dropdown to the right to 'And Less Than' and in the input box to the right you would type 61 (since you are finding ages under 61 which would start with 60).
Conditions for dates look similar. The options are Equals, On or After, and Before. If you want to find all individuals who were baptized before 04/01/2018 you would set the dropdown under 'Baptism Date' to 'Before' and in the date input to the right and select 04/01/2018.
Pro-Tip: Filter your searches based on specific activity markers which let you know the members that are engaged and those that are not. See Member Activity Date Markers
Find Families
Locate the families by using the advanced search field for Family Relationships. Set the parameter to 'Primary' through the dropdown.
Group Filters
The advanced search tool also allows you to search for individuals in a specific group or groups. To find individuals in one group, simply select the group under In Group(s). If you'd like to look for individuals who are in all of the selected groups, select the groups and make sure 'All of the selected groups' is checked.
Results List
The results of individuals will be found at the bottom of the page, and you will be able to perform actions on these individuals like you would with any other search result in the database through the action menu ( ).
Mass Edit
The advanced search tool also allows you to mass edit fields for individuals. Once you've generated a list of individuals click the small action menu ( ) in the upper right corner of the list of names and select 'Mass Edit' in the dropdown. From here you can specify which field you'd like to change and input a value for it. This change will update for every individual in your search result.