You'll need to customize your Giving Statement Template before printing or emailing statements. Multiple templates can be created, for example, one for mailing and another for email.
Navigate to the top menu gear icon, then select General Settings → Giving → Giving Letter Template.
Here, you should see the template body on the left, as well as many Placeholders listed in the menu on the right. Simply modify the default text in the Template with the Placeholders and any text as desired! You can copy the placeholder from the right menu and paste it into the template in the desired position.
Tips & Tricks
Creating Additional Giving Statement Templates
Above the template body, click "Add a Template." Give the template an intuitive name then edit the content as desired.
If more than one template exists, you can select one that will automatically apply to ALL donors. If only one exists, the statement will automatically use the Default template. Use the checkbox, "Use this template when users download their own statements online", to make the template designation of your choice.
Envelope Window Formatting
Formatting the member's address inside of a #10 envelope window is as simple as a checkbox.
When using this template to generate a statement from any source (emailed or printed), the name and address will automatically be formatted to fit as seen below.
Pro Tip: If you format your template for a windowed envelope, you'll want to add an additional template for statements users download or were emailed (if you use these options). Otherwise, downloaded or emailed statements will still include the additional spacing and address necessary for a #10 envelope.
Test the look of your Giving Statement
- Search for an individual who meets the criteria of your statement. (eg. has information the placeholders will populate).
- On their profile, select the Giving tab.
- Click the ↓ Statement link.
- Leave the default relative date for 'Last Calendar Year' or adjust to another date if needed. Set the Tax status for the statement (can also be set automatically with your statement placeholders) and click Next.
- Select the desired Giving Template (if you have more than one), click "Download PDF" then click Confirm.
- A PDF of your Giving Statement will download to your browser's default download location.
Addressing your Giving Statement to more than one individual
It's common to address Giving Statements to the entire household rather than just the Primary individual. To do so, replace @NAME with @FAMPREFNAMES or any of the other "Family" placeholders.
Note: Since this video was recorded, the software 'look' has changed but the information provided is accurate. Thanks for your patience as we work to update it shortly
Use the SAVE button to complete the change.
Make sure your logo appears crisp and clear!
- The Logo is taken from General Settings → General.
- For the best display, we recommend a maximum image width of 480 pixels at 300 dpi (dots per inch).
- The logo can be auto-added to the statement using the @LOGO placeholder.
Add the Church Address
@CHURCHNAME <br/> 123 YOUR STREET <br/> TOWN, XX 12345
- @CHURCHNAME is a placeholder to pull the church name set up in General Settings → General.
- " <br / >" Is a line break that will place the text on its own line right below/above the text. The above example looks like this:
TOWN, XX 12345
Add Pledges to your Giving Statement
Use the @PLEDGES placeholder (since this placeholder is part-way down the page, it can be easy to miss).
Remember to click the SAVE button to complete any changes!
Advanced Styling
Basic HTML and CSS can go a long way in creating a custom look for your statement! (What are HTML and CSS?) Below are a few common items that can be used to enhance your statement.
Note: Our support team does NOT offer help in custom styling contribution statements, but it is possible if you have access to someone with some coding experience.
1 - Change the Font of your Giving Statement
To change the font of your entire statement, add a div that defines the font family on the very first line of your template, then close the div on the very last line. See the example below.
Note: For a font to be applied successfully, it must be installed on your Operating System. We suggest you stick with Web Safe fonts for best results.
2 - Image in Footer
An example could be for Canadian churches, there is a need to add a signature image to the statement footer. This can be completed by adding an image.
The image will need to be uploaded to a public sharing location. Oftentimes, this is the church website or file-sharing service provided by the church. Then use the <img> tag to add that to the document like this: Add An Image. Make sure to define your image width and height in a photo editing software right away or with the image properties noted in the article.
A customized giving template could look something like this ...
3 - Bold Text Styling
If a serial number is needed (as seen in the image above), you can add the appropriate characters and make it bold using the <strong></strong> or <b></b> HTML tags. Both options will make the text bold when the statement is created. The HTML setup would look like this:
Bold styling can be added to any part of the template to make text or other parts bold as well.
Note: Adding this around a placeholder will not particularly mean that the text will be bold. It will, however, work for any characters added by the organization into the template.
4 - Envelope Window Styling and Margin Adjustments
Another example is window placement for an address on the statement. The following styling can be used as a guideline which you can copy and paste into a statement:
<p style="margin-left: 40px ;">@FAMPREFFULLNAMES <br/>@MEMBERADDRESS</p>
Adjust the '40px' part of the code to move the inserted information. Making the number larger will move the text further to the right and a smaller number will move the text further to the left.
Similar to this is adding a margin to push all the message body to the right. Add the <div> tags before and after all the information you want to be moved. Then adjust the pixel count number higher or lower to move it further toward the middle or back toward the edge of the page.
<div style="margin-left: 20px ;"> ... </div>
This styling is only a scratch on the surface of what can be done. Leverage a local resource in your organization to test and build something more advanced!
Custom styling can be added to your giving statement. It is important to make sure someone from the organization is comfortable tweaking website code when implementing this. For more information on Advanced Giving Statement HTML | CSS Tips.