Show Calendar Events in Month/Week/Day Layouts

Your calendar can be viewed in a variety of layouts, making it easy to see the exact range of events you need. The default view is Month, but you can use the buttons in the upper-right corner of the screen to toggle between: Month  |  Week  |  Day  |  Agenda




A few notes about each view:

Month View

Shows 6 rows, which means that it will be more than one full month. For screens with lower resolution, the size of the day boxes may decrease. This will cause days with many events to display a "+# more" link, allowing the viewer to see overflow events that couldn't fit in the current display.




Week View

Always starts the week on Sunday. To return to the current week, click the Today button at the top left side of the screen.




Day View

All-day events (i.e. events with no specific time) will appear along the top of the screen, with timed events below. To return to the current day, click the Today button at the top left side of the screen.




Agenda View

Begins with the currently-selected day and shows up to 30 days' worth of events. Use the next/back arrows at the top of the screen to advance the starting day.  Use the Today button to return the starting day to today's date.






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