How to Print A Directory

Printed Directory

Having digital access to an online directory is a huge help. Depending on member preferences or the need to create a photo directory, use the built-in tools to quickly get the information you need based on a group.


Helpful tools that influence the directory output

Directory Creation Tools

There are a couple options for creating a printed directory available. Use the 'Print Single' column tool, print a simple formatted Directory, or export the list of group members to a CSV file and use mail merge or hand that file to a printer to create the directory. Let's go over those options.

Print Single Column or Simple Pre-formatted Directory

To start making your printed directory, make sure all the members are in a group(s). This is the list of names that will be used to build the document output. Go to Groups → List, check the box(es) next to the group(s) for which you want to print a Directory.



Use the Three-Dot Icon  to create a Print Directory from the dropdown.


A modal will appear at the top of the group list giving the option for Print Individuals or Print Families. Selecting one of these options adds some default fields.

  • Individuals → Name, Home Phone, Residential Address, Mailing Address
  • Families → Name, Home Phone, Residential Address, Mailing Address, Family Tree (list of other members in the linked family)



No matter which option is chosen, the list of fields can be drug and dropped from either side of the list to customize the information further.

drag and drop fields screen capture

After all the fields you want are in place in the left column, there are a number of output checkboxes available.




  • Print Single Column → instead of using the export to CSV, then doing a mail merge into a document, use this toggle to get a full listing of text with all the group member data select. Right-click on the webpage window to Select All to highlight all the text content. Then, right-click again and choose to Copy. Now, go to a document processor like Microsoft Word and paste the text into a new document. All the data will be copied to your new document which you can quickly customize by adding columns and other custom elements for a personalized printout.
  • Include Profile Photo → adds to the Single Column or the PDF the profile photo.
  • Include Family Photo → adds to the Single Column or the PDF the family photo from the Name Options area in the Family tab.
  • Print Groups Separately → Gather the members in the output by the selected Groups. Helpful for multiple small group directories.
  • Include Inactive Group Members → Add any members marked as 'Inactive' in the group.


Once all the options are in place, select the GO button at the bottom of the modal to get your export. If the Print Single Column checkbox was used, this will be a page filled with text and pictures depending on the options chosen. Otherwise, a simple PDF is created and downloaded to print right away as a pre-formatted document.


Export CSV Method

To start making your printed directory, make sure all the members are in a group(s). This is the list of names that will be used to build the document output. Go to Groups → List, check the box(es) next to the group(s) for which you want to print a Directory.



Use the Three-Dot Icon  to start an Export Individuals to CSV from the dropdown.



Choose from the available options to pull in other family members and the level of detail to include in the Export. Once all the options are in place, select the EXPORT button at the bottom of the modal to get your exported CSV file download right away.

Basic CSV Export


Advanced CSV Export


After the file is downloaded, use the Microsoft Office suite of tools to create a nice custom directory or send this file to a directory printing service after reviewing the data. For more on how to use Microsoft Office tools for this, review their help material through the link below.

Microsoft Video Using Mail Merge

Microsoft Article - Mail Merge Directory




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