Printing Giving Statements

Printing your end of year tax statements is quick and easy with the Giving Details report. Follow these steps to quickly generate statements that can be saved to a pdf and printed.

  1. Click on Reports → Giving → Detail
  2. Click on the Date filter and choose the appropriate date filter option, such as Last Year or Date Range.


  1. Choose other criteria as needed, then click on Apply to filter the results.

Filter Criteria

  1. Click on the download icon , and choose Print Statements from the menu.


  1. Choose the Giving Template, if you have more than one, from the drop-down menu. (Learn more about how to Customize Giving Statements.)

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and choose how to Sort the statements, by Name or Zip Code. If you have individuals with an active pledge but have not donated to that pledge, during the specified date range, a checkbox will appear to include them.  Click Go

  2. At the bottom of your screen, you'll see buttons to download your Mailable Statements as well as your Labels. Click these and a PDF of your Statements will be downloaded, typically to your "Downloads" folder.

Statement Buttons

  1. Individuals without a valid mailing address will be listed on your screen. You can download their statements by clicking the Statements for People with No Address link. (You can also click their names to go directly to their profile to make address updates).

No Address





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