In some situations, such as a Sunday worship service, you may simply want to track total attendance numbers, without the need to place individuals into a group, manage the list of people, etc. Here’s how:
- Create a new Group (click Groups, then click the Add tab). For example, “Sunday 9:00am Contemporary Service.” You can configure the name and description if you want, but do not check the “Individual Attendance” checkbox. Click Save. The group will now be created, with 0 people in it.
- Count your attendees who come to your service/meeting/class.
- Go to Attendance → Input → Add Session. Choose the date you recorded attendance, and the Group name you created in step 1 above, then enter the number you counted in step 2. Click Save.
- Over time, your attendance data will be stored and will build a report. You’ll be able to go to Reports → Attendance to view and analyze the data.
Bonus tip: If your church runs multiple services and you want to record attendance BOTH in individual services, as well as for the weekend as a whole, then create an Aggregate. Once you have created groups for each of your separate services (step 1 above), create an Aggregate for "Weekend Services" (or similar). This way, you can run reports for your entire weekend as well as individual service times.