Amplify Mobile App Calendar Settings and Integration

Display your Calendar in your Mobile App to promote your events and quickly link to registrations or sign-ups!

Don't have the Mobile App yet? Open the Amplify Home page and click on Mobile App to talk to us.

Getting Started

Prerequisite: Enable a Public Calendar View

From within your Amplify Home page, click on Mobile App.


Amplify Home Mobile App.png


You will be asked to choose your project. If you have not yet created one, you can go ahead and get started by clicking New Project. For more information on how to set up your Mobile App, check out our article on How to Get Started!


Because Amplify is fully integrated, the connection to your Amplify People is already turned on! 


Choose Modules and locate Calendar.  


Mobile App Calendar.png


To integrate your Amplify People Calendar, toggle the Calendar Feed From ChMS Integrations to On.


The page will then prompt you to select the Calendar View(s) that should be displayed within the Amplify Mobile app. There is a toggle that will show associated images on the connected Event Form within the app as well.

Amplify Mobile Calendar View and Images.png



To integrate an external calendar from another provider, enter your iCal feed embed link in the field and click Connect.





To update the look, or to reorganize the location of the Calendar button within the app, click Design, from the menu bar, choose a screen layout option and reconfigure and rename your different modules to your liking. 






From inside of the App, find your Calendar module and click on it to view. It will look similar to the image below. Your calendar events will populate into this view for your church to see, users will be able to click into the event to view more information and details.

Important Note: Keep in mind, the Event Feed updates approximately every 15 minutes. So, when you are adding new events into the calendar make sure to allow a small-time cushion, refresh the app and your event will appear. 




Pro-Tip: Images can be added into the calendar feed via the Forms tool. For more information on how to link your Forms and Images to your Calendar feed, Click Here for our step-by-step overview.


Once a user clicks into an event, a similar view will appear allowing the user to interact with the event however you would like. Perhaps you are hosting an event and you have linked your sign-up form to the event, this form will be accessible inside of the calendar for your attendees to fill out. 





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