In the top menu bar, click the Gear icon ; in the dropdown provided, click Settings. At the far left, click on the General tab. Here, you can add your organization's address and preferred data formats and set multi-campus features. These appear on reports and several other key areas of your software.
If you'd like your church logo to appear on reports, toggle on this option, and your logo will appear at the top left of PDF reports.
Church Information
Add the church name, address, and other default settings that apply to many areas of the database. This information can be used for things like reports and giving statements.
The Time settings regarding the 'Giving Week Start Day' and the 'Default Timezone' are particularly important.
Giving Week Start Day → An adjustment here changes the first day of the week for these different areas (Note that the Dashboard widgets allow a unique start date to be set).
- Labeling: The week should be labeled with the Sunday date, wherever Sunday falls related to the Week Start Day.
- Monthly Counts: If a week falls between two months, show it with the month in which Sunday falls.
- Weekly Reports: The Giving Overview charts and Glance "Weekly Attendance" charts count all attendance or giving within the same week. Attending 5 times in the same week shows attendance for one week on a chart. “The same week” depends on the week's start day.
- Default Timezone → This determines the time settings for reporting, scheduled times to send a contact, system log details, etc.
Click Save at the bottom to finalize your changes.
Setting up campuses allows for splitting calendars, donation tracking, and member filtering. The following video overviews how easy it is to set up and enable for your organization.
*This video overview may include some outdated images. Thank you for your patience as we update our materials.
Learn more about Campus Settings & Usage