Adding payment fields elevates the power of the Forms tool to a new level in flexibility. If you have grayed out fields for the payment options, then you will need to add this to your database or integrate your existing giving account.
Editing Fields
Along the right side of the form editor window are standard controls to move the field up or down in its placement on the form, duplicate the field, edit the field properties, or delete the field from the form.
- → Grip and drag to move the field on the form
- → Clone or duplicate the field
- → Edit the field properties
- → Delete the field from the form
Available Fields
Base Amount
Set a static price that cannot be changed and creates the ground level amount that everyone needs to pay. If using sets of fields anyway, use the Person Field Set to establish the Base Amount in that field.
User Amount
Allow the form registrant to set the amount they want to give/pay. You can set a default amount in the field properties which will show when the form loads.
Item Checkbox(es)
The item checkbox(es) field is your multiple-choice tool when creating a form. This is one of the only fields that allows the user to select more than one answer.
There is also a non-payment version of this field available.
This field can be limited in the number of times that it's selected if you choose to do so by setting a 'Total Quantity' per line item.
Item Radio Button(s)
Radio item buttons allow you to limit the choice for the form registrant to picking only one item out of a couple of choices. The best use case for this field is when applying conditional logic as it is the easiest to make sure the right answer is chosen. There is a range of other use cases for it too but conditional logic is one of the most common.
There is also a non-payment version of this field available.
This field can be limited in the number of times that it's selected if you choose to do so by setting a 'Total Quantity' per line item.
Item Dropdown
The item dropdown is similar to the radio button in that only one list item can be chosen. It allows you to easily list many items in a simple format. This is common for things like T-shirt size selections or age ranges.
There is also a non-payment version of this field available.
This field can be limited in the number of times that it's selected if you choose to do so by setting a 'Total Quantity' per line item.
Fund Dropdown(s)
This field is used for the giving portal form which is linked from your Giving account. It is used to present a list of funds from your account that available to donate to and the end user can select which ones to contribute to.
From the Giving account fund management area, you can also enable the fund to allow designations by checking the box 'Allow notes for this field'. This is useful for mission trips and memorial funds. These notes will show in giving and sync to the database.
Amount Button(s)
Add highly visible and selectable buttons which makes selecting a particular amount really easy. Great for setups like a Cause Driven Giving Form where donations can quickly be collected for a particular fund. Setup a few default amounts and then allow for other amounts to be collected if you want! Flexible and powerful.
Calculated Amount
If there is only a need to sell one item in a limited quantity, this field can fit that bill. There are options for a total quantity, how many per person, price per item, and if you want money to go to a particular fund.