Forms for Online Attendance

Engage and shepherd your online service participants with a simple form to capture attendance and even online donations.

It doesn't have to be complicated! The three simple steps are

  1. Create your Online Attendance and Donation form.
  2. Link or embed your form on your online service page.
  3. Handle responses. (Preferably, automatically!)

Ready to get started?


This video may include some out-of-date images. We appreciate your patience as we work to get these videos updated.

Create Your Online Attendance and Donation form

  1. On your Forms Dashboard, click on Create New Form

form creation button

  1. Select the "Online Attendance" template, edit the name to show as you like, and click Start Building Form

start building form

  1. You can configure specifics or add fields, but the form is usable now. You could add a comment box for “Prayer Requests” or “Share Your Thoughts.” We suggest keeping it simple.

Check out our example of an Online Attendance Form below!

Example Form


Link Or Embed Your Form On Your Online Service Page

  1. From your Forms Dashboard, the Link or Embed code is available on the Tri-dot menu on the right for each form. If you aren't sure how "embed" works, just use a simple link.

forms tri-dot menu location

  1. Paste the link onto your live streaming page (we suggest using the ChurchStreaming platform), Facebook or YouTube feed description, or anywhere you want your online attendees to see it.

Handle Responses -- Preferably, Automatically!

Your form should be ready to go, but how do you handle all of those responses? On your Forms Dashboard, you can access responses individually or download them as a CSV.

But if your forms are integrated with our ChMS …

It gets much easier! We built a workflow that is ready for you to turn on and start recording each form submission as an attendance record.

Set up your workflow with just a few clicks.

  1. On your Workflows List (General Settings  hover → Workflows), click the "Record Online Attendance" workflow and turn it on by clicking the "Active" button.
  2. Next, click the Form Trigger and set it to the Online Attendance Form you created. Map the "Online Attendee" (you may have changed that name) to Full Name. You can also map email addresses and set other options for handling matching, but you don't have to.
  3. Last, click the Present in Group Action and select the Group where you want to record the attendance (just one group, unless you want more than one attendance record for every person). You may want to create an "Online Service" group just for this purpose.
  4. Click "Done" and you're... done!

online attendance workflow

Now, when your attendees fill in their names and submit the form, you've captured their information and have recorded the attendance. It's party time—in a social-distancing-appropriate form, of course!

Use your understanding of who is engaging to reach out to those who might not realize your ministry is continuing in a new way.



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