Adjust Interaction Permissions

Interactions are a way to record and log a connection with a person in your database. Some of these contacts can optionally be visible while others may be kept private. This flexibility comes from using a combination of well-named Interaction Types and customized Permissions.


For more on editing and creating custom interaction types, refer to our help material here: How To Use Interactions


Enabling Interaction Permissions

By default, newly created Roles or Leader Roles do not have Interactions enabled. This is for privacy reasons. The Enable checkbox needs to be clicked to view the interaction types and customize permissions.




Permissions Options




To quickly enable all permissions for a given role, use the Select All link at the top to the right beside 'All Types' for a broad sweeping adjustment. Clicking the checkboxes to the right of 'All Types' will select the full column for every interaction type. The other option is to go to each interaction type and use the Select All link to enable all permissions for each row.

As a general rule, enabling ALL permissions is typically for a very limited amount of people. Any person designated as an ADMIN in the software automatically has FULL permissions to any Interaction.


Customized Permissions

The more widely implemented option is to create customized permissions based on the function of the Role or Leader Role. A potential starting setup could look like this.




The permissions options are:

  • View - View only the details of the interaction. No editing rights available for any of the fields
  • Assign - Opens the fields relevant to assign an interaction.
  • Log - Opens the option to log an interaction with this Type.
  • Edit - Adjust the details of an interaction.
  • Delete - Will fully remove an interaction from the database.


Any combination of these permissions can be applied to the row associated with an interaction type. Limiting permissions on any one of these will also adjust the filtering options when reviewing 'My Outstanding', 'Outstanding', and 'Completed' reports.



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